

時(shí)間:2023-09-28 10:22:13 芊喜 托福英語(yǔ) 我要投稿
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  The Arts and Crafts Movement in the United States was responsible for sweeping changes in attitudes toward the decorative arts, then considered the minor or household arts. Its focus on decorative arts helped to induce United States museums and private collectors to begin collecting furniture, glass, ceramics, metalwork, and textiles in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The fact that artisans, who were looked on as mechanics or skilled workers in the eighteenth century, are frequently considered artists today is directly attributable to the Arts and Crafts Movement of the nineteenth century. The importance now placed on attractive and harmonious home decoration can also be traced to this period, when Victorian interior arrangements were revised to admit greater light and more freely flowing spaces.

  The Arts and Crafts Movement reacted against mechanized processes that threatened handcrafts and resulted in cheapened, monotonous merchandise. Founded in the late nineteenth century by British social critics John Ruskin and William Morris, the movement revered craft as a form of art. In a rapidly industrializing society, most Victorians agreed that art was an essential moral ingredient in the home environment, and in many middle- and working-class homes craft was the only form of art, Ruskin and his followers criticized not only the degradation of artisans reduced to machine operators, but also the impending loss of daily contact with handcrafted objects, fashioned with pride, integrity, and attention to beauty.

  In the United States as well as in Great Britain, reformers extolled the virtues of handcrafted objects: simple, straightforward design; solid materials of good quality; and sound, enduring construction techniques. These criteria were interpreted in a variety of styles, ranging from rational and geometric to romantic or naturalistic. Whether abstract, stylized, or realistically treated, the consistent theme in virtually all Arts and Crafts design is nature.

  The Arts and Crafts Movement was much more than a particular style; it was a philosophy of domestic life. Proponents believed that if simple design, high-quality materials, and honest construction were realized in the home and its appointments, then the occupants would enjoy moral and therapeutic effects. For both artisan and consumer, the Arts and Crafts doctrine was seen as a magical force against the undesirable effects of industrialization.

  1. The passage primarily focuses on nineteenth-century arts and crafts in terms of which of the following?

  A Their naturalistic themes

  B Their importance in museum collections

  C Their British origin

  D Their role in an industrialized society

  2. According to the passage , before the nineteenth century, artisans were thought to be

  A defenders of moral standards

  B creators of cheap merchandise

  C skilled workers

  D artists

  3. It can be inferred from the passage that the Arts and Crafts Movement would have considered all of the following to be artists EXCEPT

  A creators of textile designs

  B people who produce handmade glass objects

  C operators of machines that automatically cut legs for furniture

  D metalworkers who create unique pieces of jewelry

  4. The word "revered" in line 14 is closest in meaning to

  A respected

  B described

  C avoided

  D created

  5. According to paragraph 2, the handcrafted objects in the homes of middle- and working-class families usually were

  A made by members of the family

  B the least expensive objects in their homes

  C regarded as being morally uplifting

  D thought to symbolize progress

  6. The word "extolled" in line 20 is closest in meaning to

  A exposed

  B praised

  C believed

  D accepted

  7. The author mentions all of the following as attributes of handcrafted objects EXCEPT

  A the pride with which they were crafted

  B the complexity of their design

  C the long time that they lasted

  D the quality of their materials

  8. The word "consistent" in line 24 is closest in meaning to

  A conservative

  B considerable

  C constant

  D concrete

  9. According to the passage , which of the following changes occurred at the same time as the Arts and Crafts Movement?

  A The creation of brighter and more airy spaces inside homes

  B The rejection of art that depicted nature in a realistic manner

  C A decline of interest in art museum collections

  D An increase in the buying of imported art objects

  10. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage ?

  A Private collectors in the nineteenth century concentrated on acquiring paintings.

  B The Arts and Crafts Movement in the United States, unlike the one in Britain, did not react strongly against mechanized processes.

  C Handcrafted objects in the United States and Britain in the nineteenth century did not use geometric designs.

  D The Arts and Crafts Movement believed in the beneficial effect for people from being surrounded by beautiful objects.


  托福寫作新題型模擬題1 政府類

  Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professors question. In your response, you should

  express and support your personal opinion

  make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Achebe

  Lets think about population trends in urban and rural areas (villages).Living in urban areas can be expensive; nonetheless, when they have a choice of where to live, people in some countries do not wish to live in rural areas even if the cost of living there is lower. If governments of some countries want to attract more people to live in rural are as or villages, what is the best strategy or approach that governments can use? Why?


  I would live in a rural area if the government gave more financial help to farmers.Although it may cost very little to live in a rural area, it costs a lot to begin a career in agriculture. If I had financial help, I would start my own farm and be happy to live in a rural area.


  In my country, urban centers are great places to live because you can access shops, restaurants, and museums. If the government of my country wanted to attract me to live in a rural area, the area would first have to attract more businesses focused on entertainment and culture than most rural are as have now.

  托福寫作新題型模擬題2 教育類

  Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professors question. In your response, you should

  express and support your personal opinion

  make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Gupta

  This week, l want you to discuss assessment criteria.Some schoolteachers give high grades(marks) only to those students who perform well on their homework assignments and tests. Other teachers, however, may give high grades to students who have worked very hard on their assignments but have not performed so well.Which approach do you think is better: Giving grades based only on performance, or grading students not just on performance but also on their effort?


  l think grades should be based on performance only.Its a matter of fairness.Id be really upset if another student got nearly the same grade that l did when l turned in work that was almost perfect and the other students work had incorrect answers or unclear ideas. It wouldnt matter to me if they worked harder.


  Sure, evaluation should mainly be based upon the students performance, but hard work should count for something.A student who works hard, even when the final grade isnt the highest in the class, builds character, which will benefit the student later in life when they go to university or apply for a job.

  托福寫作新題型模擬題3 環(huán)保類

  Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professors question. In your response, you should

  express and support your personal opinion

  make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Diaz

  Nowadays, the world is facing a number of pressing environmental problems, and over the next few weeks, well be discussing various innovations that may help solve these problems.To begin our discussion,Id like you to think of one global environmental problem—for example, it could be related to water, air, land, climate,biodiversity, energy, or something similar. Then explain what you think would be an effective solution to this problem.


  One of the major environmental problems is the limited freshwater supply in many areas of the world, which means that we need to find effective technologies to provide people with enough drinking water. One solution is to improve the technology for removing salt from seawater, which could allow us to use seawater to replenish dwindling freshwater supplies.


  l think the biggest problem is the air pollution caused by the overuse of motorized vehicles.The obvious solution is for local governments to promote alternatives, like building bike lanes in cities or improving public transportation with electric buses.Both of these would be easy to implement as well.


  Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professors question. In your response, you should

  express and support your personal opinion

  make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Achebe

  This week, well look at how well students transition to university. Many recent high school graduates have taken a gap year—a yearlong break after graduation—before studying at a university. During a gap year, students may get jobs, travel, or simply relax and think about their future. Some students say their gap year was beneficial, while others regret having taken one. In your opinion, does taking a gap year create more advantages or disadvantages for students? Why?


  The gap year would be a good opportunity for students to reflect on their education goals and confirm their plans for university. At least it would give someone time to investigate different fields and get a better sense of what it means to be in business, to work in an office, or to work with their hands, etc.


  Because university can be expensive, students should not take a gap year.Tuition, the cost of books, and living expenses rise every year. The money a student might save during a gap year might not be enough to cover the rise in prices when they enter university a year later.










TOEFL 5分 作文框架02-06
