
I want to look for a new job. 我想找份新工

時間:2023-05-04 20:29:43 體育口語 我要投稿
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I want to look for a new job. 我想找份新工作

  I want to look for a new job.


  A: I'm so bored with my job!

  A: 我對自己的工作厭煩透了!

  B: I thought you liked your work.

  B: 我以為你喜歡你的工作。

  A: I used to, but not now. I want to look for a new job. I want a change.

  A: 我過去喜歡,但是現(xiàn)在不喜歡了。我想找份新工作。我想有個變化。

  B: But your job is good. You earn good money and it's interesting.

  B: 但是你的工作很好啊。你掙得多,工作又有趣。

  A: Yes, the money is OK, but the job isn't really that interesting for me. I want to do something new, something different.

  A: 是的,錢還可以,但是工作對我來講不是那么有趣。我想做新的事情,不同的事情。

  B: Well, you should try and find something different.

  B: 那么,你應(yīng)該嘗試找到不同的工作。



  1. If you did something in the past but you no longer do it now, you can use the verb phrase . . used to . . / . . used to . . e.g.: I used to like my work, but now I don’t / I used to like my work, but now I don't; I used to live in Shanghai but now I live in Beijing / I used to live in Shanghai but now I live in Beijing.

  如果你在過去做某事但是你現(xiàn)在不做了,你可以用動詞短語. . used to . . / . . 過去 . .例如I used to like my work, but now I don't/我過去喜歡我的工作,但是現(xiàn)在不喜歡了;I used to live in Shanghai but now I live in Beijing /我過去住在上海但是我現(xiàn)在住在北京。

  2. When you talk about work and jobs, you often use the verb want / want, e.g.: I want to look for a new job / I want to look for a new job; I want a change / I want a change; I want to do something different / I want to do something different; I want to earn more money / I want to earn more money.

  當(dāng)你談?wù)撃愕墓ぷ鲿r,經(jīng)常用到動詞want /想要。例如:I want to look for a new job /我想找份新工作; I want a change / 我想有個變化; I want to do something different / 我想做不同的事情; I want to earn more money /我想掙更多的錢。


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