- 相關(guān)推薦
扮演…的角色play the role of給…騰出地方make room for
對某人無禮be rude to sb.
用完run out of
高峰時間,擁擠時間rush hour
滿足某人的需要satisfy one's needs
節(jié)省體力save one's strength
也就是說that is to say
為某事責(zé)備某人scold sb.for sth.
就座,坐下take one's seat
不讓人知道某事,保密keep sth.a secret
抓住小偷的衣領(lǐng)seize athief by the collar
與某人握手shake hands with sb.
店員;營業(yè)員shop assistant
領(lǐng)某人出去/進(jìn)來show sb.out/in
炫耀show off
對岸;在…另一面on the other side of
支持某人(方)take the side of
站在…一邊take sides in
看不見lose sight of
看到,發(fā)現(xiàn)catch sight out
看不見out of sight
靜靜地in silence
和…類似的be similar to
單程票single ticket
量…的大小(尺寸)take the size of
slip anote into one's hand
在雪地上滑倒slip on the snow
克服困難smooth away difficulties
大約or so
與…有關(guān)系have something to do with
國歌the national song
大膽地說,清楚并響亮地說speak out
發(fā)言,演講make aspeech
以…的速度at aspeed of
平方公里square kilometers
代表,象征stand for
餓死starve to death
處于良好狀態(tài)in agood state
逐步地,一步一步地step by step
遵守諾言stick to one's word/promise
趴在地上lie on one's stomach
四層樓的住宅a house of four storeys
趕上風(fēng)暴be caught in the storm
對…要求嚴(yán)格be strict with sb.in sth.
擦火柴strike amatch
掙扎著起來struggle to one's feet
仔細(xì)研究make astudy of
突然,冷不防all of asudden
暑假summer holidays
向某人供應(yīng)/提供supply sb.with sth.
使某人驚奇的是to one's surprise
擦臉上的汗sweat off one's face
坐下吃飯sit down to table
納稅pay one's taxes
沏茶make tea
用望遠(yuǎn)鏡through atelescope
講故事tell astory
辨別,分清tell one from the other
量體溫take one's tem perature
數(shù)以萬計tens of thousands of
被…嚇了一跳be terrified at
因某事感謝某人be thankful to sb.for sth.
扔掉throw away
吐出(食物),嘔吐throw up
立刻,很快in no time
交通堵塞traffic jam
跟某人開玩笑,欺騙某人play atrick on sb.
處于困境(苦惱)中be in trouble
一條褲子a pair of trousers
上大學(xué)attend university
拜訪某人pay avisit to sb.
高聲地(喊)at the top of one's voice
在交戰(zhàn)at war
穿舊;使筋疲力盡wear out
拔草pull out the weeds
穿著白色衣服be dressed in white
通盤,作為整體as awhole
總的來說on the whole
Where there is awill,there is away.
樂意做某事be willing to do sth.
擦掉灰塵wipe off the dust
創(chuàng)造奇跡make wonders
不足為奇;難怪no wonder
插話get in aword
和某人說句話have aword with sb.
總之,簡言之in aword