

r(sh)g2023-05-02 05:56:05 ӢZ ҪͶ
  • P(gun)]




ͨ^(du)vԇ}ķԿμZ֪R(sh)}ıزǺܴ@ҪwF(xin)Vעؿ鿼ӢZHĄ(l) fxČ(sh)`μZ֪R(sh)W(xu)(x)Ĝy(c)ԇ(do)򡣵@ζ(du)Zճ̶ȵҪ󽵵?yn)ֻЌ?du)Z֪R(sh)^õڌ(sh)HZ\(yn)íh(hun)УR(sh)eNZF(xin)(du)M(jn)Ⲣ_Дࡣc(din)Z(ni)ݼԿY(ji)

1. ^һP(gun)ϵ

^һ(Subject?Verb Agreement)ָ^Z(dng)~ҪcZ~Z"˷Q""(sh)"ķ汣һ@ڽ}^Ҫr(sh)עġ@}P(gun)IҪҜ(zhn)Z~Z

Example 1

The novels of John Cheever to a literary tradition that is concerned primarily with manners.

[A] belongs [B]belong [C]is belonged [D]are belonged

belongDz(dng)~ڱ(dng)ZB(ti)ųCDZthe novels((f)(sh))Դ}_x(xing)B

2. ̓MZ


(1)Z(the Indicative Mood)ÁŒ(sh)磺

The teacher is very popular with his students.

(2)ʹZ(the Imperative Mood)Ո(qng)ȡ磺

Please open the door.

(3)̓MZ(the Subjunctive Mood)_(d)^ԸͼO(sh)r磺

If I were you, I would throw it away.


Example 2

Had they examined the question over a much longer period, 1 over the whole life cycle, they 2 reached a different conclusion.

1. *[A] particularly [B] exclusively [C] preferably [D] precisely

2. [A] must have [B] will have [C] may have [D] would have

ȸ(j)"Had they examined the question..."ó@һ(g)ʡif̓Mlڱʾ^ȥr̓MlУľе^Zhad+^ȥ~е^Zwould have + ^ȥ~2}(yng)ԓxD

3. ޶Ԅ(dng)~

޶Ԅ(dng)~DŽ(dng)~ķ^ZʽҪָʽ(the Infinitive)~(the Participle)̈́(dng)~(the Gerund)޶Ԅ(dng)~ʹùܶ׻vǸNӢZԇеc(din)

Example 3

We did make our comforts and discomforts 1 , but basically others 2 our experiences to us. We were virtually helpless and 3 the mercy of others, usually our parents.

As we grew older, increased intellectual development resulted in increased behavioral options' 4 available to us.

1? [A]knowing [B]known [C]know [D]to know

2? [A]distributed *[B]dictated [C]allocated [D]ordered

3? [A]with [B]in *[C]at [D]on

4? [A]became [B]become [C]becoming [D]to become

1}makeʾ"ʹ"xĄ(dng)~r(sh)Ą(dng)~߉݋ZDZ(dng)P(gun)ϵ,ԸĄ(dng)~Ҫ^ȥ~ʽHe was trying to make himself understood.Դ}(yng)xB

4}(dng)~÷(j)ģresulted in摪(yng)һ(g)~~~Mஔ(dng)~ijɷֻ֡x(xing)Cܘ(gu)һ(g)ǰ控~~MиĄ(dng)~Y(ji)(gu)@increased behavioral optionsbecome߉݋ϵZԴ}(yng)xC

Example 4

There was a big drop during the sunspot years of 1986 and 1987, and the number of people

1 from diseases caused by a lymphocyte deficiency 2 doubled during the tremendous solar explosion of February 1986.

1?[A]suffered [B]suffer [C]suffering [D]to suffer

1}ˬF(xin)ڷ~Z֪R(sh)andBӵĺһЏľ 1 from diseases caused by a lymphocyte deficiency 2 @(g)ɷ޶Zthe number of peopleZõĂ(g)x(xing)mȻx(xing)ACDZĹȻĵZԼ(g)x(xing)Աʾĕr(sh)B(ti)ZB(ti)܁Дthe number of peoplesuffer߉݋ZDŽ(dng)sufferİl(f)(dng)Դ}xC(xing)sufferingm

Example 5

Experts speculate that hardships might prompt some Russian scientists their know-how on the black market.

[A]to sell [B]to selling [C]sell [D]sold to

}(yng)xApromptӲʽ(gu)prompt to do sth.



This is the car (that) I bought last year.


I?m seeing the manager tomorrow, when he will be back from New York.


Example 6

When the work is well done, a 1 of accident-free operations is established 2 time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum. (199944})

1?[A]regulation *[B]climate [C]circumstance [D]requirement

2?[A]where [B]how [C]what [D]unless

2}_x(xing)Awhere@(do)һ(g)Zľ"where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum"~climate@whereஔ(dng)in whichin the climate˼ǣȫҎ(gu)(sh)ʩúãһNo¹ʲĹh(hun)͕(hu)@򹤂ɵĕr(sh)gpʧ޶how(Σô)unless()ZϿУxϲͨwhat(ʲô)oՓZ߀x϶vͨ


ӢZн(jng)òB~~M־ӵƽҊУand, but, or, as well as, not only...but also..., neither...nor..., either...or...@}r(sh)߀Ҫעԭt^Z(yng)c~~һ

Example 7

Concerns were raised 1 witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to 2 guilty verdicts. (200149})

1?[A]what [B]when [C]which [D]that

2?[A]assure [B]confide *[C]ensure [D]guarantee





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