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Congratulations! You've made it through yet another tough workweek. Sometimes, when the daily grind is too grueling, it's hard to take your mind off work and transition to weekend mode. Here are some tips to help you kick back and relax. 恭喜你!你又熬過了艱難的一周工作。有時候,工作中的瑣事實在太煩人,讓你很難做到不去想它,然后轉換到雙休日休息模式。這里有幾條小貼士可以幫助你找回自己、真正放松。Manage your schedule. Do your best to juggle your schedule so you're not doing work on the weekends. It's really hard to stop thinking of work when you're actually doing work on the weekends. If you have too many tasks to do, then experiment with working a little later on the weekdays, or talk to your boss about your workload. 合理制定計劃。盡量把計劃做得好一些,這樣你就不必在雙休日工作了。如果你在雙休日還要工作的話,那就很難做到不去想工作上的事情。如果你的工作實在太多,試著在工作日的時候多做點、加加班,或者和你的老板談談減輕工作量的問題。
Detox from tech. Time for a digital detox! This is the perfect way to take your mind off your job. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life without being tethered to an electronic device. If you're reluctant to disconnect from technology, then try this instead: hide your work phone and don't check your work emails. 戒掉科技癮。是時候該把數(shù)碼癮給戒掉了!這是讓你的大腦遠離工作的絕佳辦法。好好享受簡單的生活樂趣,限制自己使用電子產品的時間。如果你不能做到遠離科技,那就試著藏起你的工作電話,并且不要去查看你的工作郵箱。
Meditate. Ohmm . . . Clear your mind and detach from the weary working world. Meditation is a great way to separate yourself from life's stresses, which includes your thoughts about the daily 9 to 5 as well! We have some great meditation tips, which include focusing on your breathing and setting an alarm to let you know when you're done. 冥想。嗯......清空你的頭腦,遠離煩人的工作世界。冥想是把你從生活壓力中分離出來的好方法,生活壓力當然包括那些朝九晚五的工作想法了!我們有一些很棒的冥想小方法,比如關注你的呼吸,在冥想時設置一個鬧鈴以便提醒你冥想結束了。 http://www.oriental01.com/