Abstract 3-4
摘要 5-8
List of Abbreviations 8-9
Chapter One Introduction 9-13
1.1 Research Background 9-11
1.2 Necessity and Objectives of the Study 11-12
1.3 Thesis Organization 12-13
Chapter Two Literature Review 13-27
2.1 Defining Explicit Linguistic Knowledge (ELK) and Implicit Linguistic Knowledge (ILK) 13-16
2.2 Relationship Between Explicit and Implicit Knowledge 16-19
2.2.1 Non-interface Hypothesis 16-17
2.2.2 Strong-interface Hypothesis 17
2.2.3 Weak-interface Hypothesis 17-19
2.3 Measuring ELK and ILK 19-21
2.4 Explicit and Implicit Learning and Instruction 21-24
2.5 Relevant Previous Researches 24-27
2.5.1 Previous Studies Abroad 24
2.5.2 Previous Studies at Home 24-27
Chapter Three Research Methodology 27-31
3.1 Hypotheses 27
3.2 Participants 27
3.3 Instruments 27-30
3.4 Data Collection 30
3.5 Data Analysis 30-31
Chapter Four Results and Discussion 31-43
4.1 The Current Level of Non-English Majors’ ILK 31-34
4.2 The Current Level of Non-English Majors’ ELK 34-36
4.3 Comparing Learner ILK and ELK 36-39
4.4 The Relationship Between Learner ILK and ELK 39-43
4.4.1 Correlation Analysis Between ELK and ILK 40-41
4.4.2 Correlation Analysis Between the ELK and ILK of Each Specific Grammatical Structure 41-43
Chapter Five Conclusion 43-47
5.1 Research Findings 43
5.2 Implications 43-45
5.3 Significance of the Study 45
5.4 Limitations and Further Suggestions 45-47
References 47-50
Appendix I 50-52
Appendix II 52-54
Acknowledgements 54
中文摘要 3-4
Chapter One Introduction 7-10
1.1 Motivation of the present study 7-8
1.2 Significance of this study 8
1.3 Composition of this thesis 8-10
Chapter Two Literature Review 10-19
2.1 Language production 10-14
2.1.1 L1 Production 10-11
2.1.2 L2 Production 11-12
2.1.3 Dimensions of language production 12-14
2.2 Theories on oral output 14-15
2.2.1 Skehan’s dual-model system 14
2.2.2 Swain’s Output Hypothesis 14-15
2.3 Task Repetition 15-17
2.3.1 Task 15-16
2.3.2 Task repetition 16-17
2.4 Relevant studies on effects of task repetition on L2 oral output 17-19
3.1 Research justification and questions 19
3.2 Hypothesis 19-20
3.3 Methods 20-25
3.3.1 Participants 20-21
3.3.2 Material 21
3.3.3 Research design 21-23
3.3.4 Measures 23-25
Chapter Four Results and Discussion 25-41
4.1 Results and Analysis 25-34
4.1.1 Quantitative analysis 25-27
4.1.2 Qualitative analysis 27-34
4.2 Discussion 34-41
4.2.1 Fluency 34-36
4.2.2 Complexity 36-38
4.2.3 Accuracy 38-39
4.2.4 interlanguage development path of learner L 39-41
Chapter Five Conclusions 41-44
5.1 Conclusion and implication 41-43
5.2 Limitations and recommendations 43-44
Acknowledgements 44-45
References 45-49
Appendixes 49-54
A. Instructions of the experiment 49-50
B. The same-content task 50-51
C. The different-content task 51-52
D. Sample of oral pre-task 52-53
E. Sample of oral post-task 53-54
F. Sample of writing repetition task 54