- P(gun)]
1. abc corporation. may i help you?abc ˾ʲô?
@ԒʽvһԒͨȈ˾ "abc corporation" Ȼf "may i help you?" Ҫ͚һcԒtf "how can i help you?" (ԓô?) @ӵĆʾҡԓô㣬 ҡ費Ҫ? "may i help you?" "how can i help you?" ܳҊ
^ǙCӵԒ t Ķ@ "thanks for calling abc corporation, if you know your party's last name or extention, press 1. if you want to recieve information or publication, press 2. if you want to talk to the operator, press pound sign or remain on the line." (xԒ abc ֪Ҫҵ˵ջǷ֙C̖a Ո1 Ҫ˾ĺƷ Ո2 ҪҿC Ո# Ոe
2. and you are??
˼ҴԒҪ˾ "may i talk to your manager?" (ܸܲゃ(jng)vԒ?) @r㿂ܺͿؾͰԒýo(jng)f f˼ǴԒ㽛(jng)һf! ͨ҂һҪȴ_Ԓl ͚Ć "whom i am speaking with?" "whom am i talking to?" (ڸlvԒ?) ˼һ @NСë^Ԓ(jng) ͕ñ^Zf "and you are?" (?) ˼@ӆң ҾͿԴ "this is benlin."
"and you are?" @ôZӢĕϴŌW @sõ ֻW֮߀á 䌍IJ ԽεľԽ ö "and you are?" @Ԓ߀SmõĈ ڹ˾ĽӴ̎ (reception) LĿf "i'm looking for mr. wolf." (Ҫ) ӴСͿԷ "and you are?" (?) @NֺõľӴһҪӛ!
3. i'll put her on the phone. just a second.ҕՈ Ԓ Ոһ¡
put someone on the phone @ƬZfՈij Ԓ ԒŮѣ Y(ji)Ůѵͬ½Ԓ _ʼ| ゃDzdz˰? ʲôrҪY(ji) @r㌍ڲv Ϳf "could you please just put her on the phone?" (ܲՈ Ԓ?) ^ӵԒ Y(ji)ҪҵDŽeˣ Ϳf "ok. i'll put her on the phone. just a second." ( ҕՈ Ԓ ՈԵһ)
v put someone on the phone ָĶֻһֻԒr ˾S֙C táD(zhun)ӡ transfer redirect. ^ǡ ͬӵrf "i'm transferring your call." "i'm redirecting your call." (?gu)D(zhun)ӵ֙Co) ǽӾD(zhun)ӵԒ Еrֻεf "one moment please." "ok. i'll put you through."
4. would you mind holding for one minute?鲻һ犰?
ЙCԒo͑ (customer service)T ]Ԓ µԒ "all of our representitives are currently busy serving their customers. your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes" (҂еĿͷˆTæ Ո犺 ͕˽ Ԓ) Ȼʮ^ȥ "please continue to hold, your call is very important to us." (Ո^m(x)Ⱥ ā늌҂dzҪ) ԴҪ֪ ό@Noֹĵȴʹ^ Ҫӛ ˼ҴԒ ǧfҪ f "hold on" Ȼȥȱ @ԒʮֲYò
fһҪՈԺ ҂Ҫ͚һcf "would you mind holding for one minute?" ӛҪoһ_ĕrg one second five minites Ҫoֹصȥ һ犵߀]æ꣬ tfһ "sorry, i am still on the phone. could you hold for another minute?" ( ߀vԒ ܲՈԺһ)
5. he's out for lunch. would you like to try again an hour later?ȥ ҪҪһСrٴ?
ܵĵӰ푣 SҪvijˡȥ˳f "he went out for lunch." 䌍@ went Ƕģ ֻͨv be out for something Ҫٺһc f "he is on lunch." "he is on (lunch) break." (Ϣrg) @Ҳ
eҪҵ˲ ͨ҂жNx һNՈecٴ try again/ call again ֮ ҂Ҳ call back/ try back @ӵv Խhe "why don't you call back in 30 minutes?" (β 30 犺ٴ?) ڶNxՈԣ ͚һcv "may i take your message?" "would you like to leave a message?" (Ԇ?)
6. she is not here but you can call her machine.@ ԴԒ䛙C
Ԓ䛙C answering machine Ҳٔ(sh)˽ answer machine. һČԒгQ machine. "you can call her machine." f ԴԒ䛙C Ԓoij ܿܲ @rͿf "i'm expecting a machine." (Ԓ䛙CӵԒ) "i want to check on my machine." tfҪzԒ䛙C
ӛ! ͨ˼v someone's machine rٷ֮ʮŶָԒ䛙C Ʉeɵɵ؆ "answering machine?" (friends) һ chandler f "i got her machine." Y(ji) joey ߀؆ "her answering machine?" chandler S joey ğo֪f "no. interestingly enough, her leaf blower (machine) picked up the phone." (Ȥร Ԓ䛙C! Ĵ~CӵԒ) ע u~Òߵ ô ? leaf blower ǷNÁ~ęC!
7. i'm interested in your crm software. can you give me an quote?ҌゃĿ͑P(gun)ϵܛwdȤ ܸ҈r?
֮ǰvĶDŽe˴ԒMҪôش F(xin)ҪvԒoeĹ˾Ҫôv ͨԒoeĹ˾Nr ԃr ӆ ۙӆΣ Na(chn)Ʒȵ Մԃr ֻҪՈԵعrX f "can you give me a quote?" "can you give me an estimate?" Ѵ @ quote l(f) /kwot/ ӛҪe{(dio)ǂ /wo/ ȻԞf coat /kot/ court /kort/ @ @NrͰl(f)ϲֻһΣ һ܇ȥ܇Sr Ҹf "can you give me a quote?" sش "you need a coat?" ˰Ÿ㶮 Ҳ֪ԭԼ quote l(f)e õk estimate @ǽ^l(f)e
estimate quote ҲָrΡ Ҫe "can you send me a sample with an estimate asap?" (ܲՈMһݘƷ͈rνo?)
8. i'd like to place an order for a dl-1100 color printer.Ҫһdl-1100 ɫӡCӆ
ǰÿΞI|Ԓo˼ң Ҷֱf "i want to buy this, i want to buy that." Ȼ! ҪI| fʲôe˶һkі|uo ֱֻf buy ^ճfČԒ ǹ˾ҪُƷr ʽһc order ǸһЩf place an order for "i want to order a color printer." "i want to place an order for a color printer." Dze÷
9. i'm calling to check my order status.ҴԒ鿴ӆεĠr
ǰ鲻֪ check order status @÷ssvһѲܱ_ҵ˼ҿܕf "i ordered something yesterday. can you check if you've shipped it or not." @Ԓ DzU? Ұ^ ͬӵrԭȻΆεf "i want to check my order status." "i want to track my order status." ر_@Ԓ˼ ̫
@뵽һڙCҲǣ 놖_СҵѵһwC ǰwCЛ] Ŏc Һòv@ôLһr _СȻֻһ䣬 "you wanna check passenger status?" c]赽 ԭֻҪ check passenger status ?
10. i was referred to you by mr. gordon. gordon Bҁ
Ԓe˹˾˵ԒҪȥN| cP(gun)ϵ! õД(sh) ijij˽Bģ "i was referred to you by someone." (ע B@ refer introduce.) ߀? õԓ˾ۃr tҲ_xf "i got your number from a coupon, which says your product is 50% off today." (Ǹ(j)ゃۃrϵ̖a^ 挑a(chn)Ʒۃ(yu)) @هه ֮? ȱô@l @ӄe˲ͻأĸX