
洋人告訴你學(xué)法語的十大好處 -學(xué)習(xí)資料

【www.oriental01.com - 學(xué)習(xí)資料】







    10. After learning Spanish, it seemed as though it would be easy.






    9. Learning foreign languages can help improve your memory and problem-solving skills which often leads to better test scores in other subjects and oh did I need as much help as I could get on those science and math tests.






    8. I wanted to travel all over the world and French is the official language in 33 countries and the only official language on 5 of the world's continents besides English.






    7. I wanted to be an aupair in Paris.






    6. My college major was Studies and learning French was necessary.








    5. I had always dreamed of working for the United Nations and French is one of the six official working languages there.






    4. I longed to be able to read French wine labels.






    3. It seemed so very appealing to be able to watch my favorite French films:Le d?ner de cons, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain and l'Auberge espagnole in French and not have to rely on the subtitles.






    2. I wanted to impress that oh-so gorgeous French guy that lived in my student residence in Paris.






    1. Being able to read Balzac, Molière, Racine, Flaubert, Zola and Camus in their language as no matter how good the translation may be, it's just not the same.