
初中英語課堂用語 三

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初中英語課堂用語800句 (三)


初中英語課堂用語800句 (三)

2011-10-31 10:58閱讀:

Part 5 交流與互動


1. 你下次會做得更好。 You’ll be able to do it better next time.

2. 別因此而沮喪。 Don’t be discouraged by it.

3. 智者千慮,必有一失。 Even homer sometimes nods.

4. 沒什么可氣餒的,別放棄。 There is nothing to discourage.Don’t give up.

5. 如果你努力,就沒有什么是不可能的。 Nothing is impossible if you try hard.

6.好好想一想,再試一試。 Think it over and try again.

7. 別緊張,放松。 Don’t be afraid.Take it easy.

8. 來吧,試一下。 Come on and have a try.

9. 我們會全心全意地支持你。 You have our whole—hearted support.

10. 當你遇到困難,我們會幫助你。 We will help you when you get stuck.

11. 我覺得你應該努力爭取。 I feel you should fight for it.

12. 振作起來,堅持。 Cheer up and stick to it.

13. 你進步很大。 You have made great progress.


1.我需要你的看法。 I need your opinions.

2. 你覺得這個怎么樣? What do you think about it?

3. 我們?yōu)槭裁床话阉硌莩鰜砟? Why don’t we act it out ?

4. 為什么不用復數呢?




Why not use the plural form?

5. 讓我們把練習放在后面,好嗎? Let’s leave exercise until last, shall we?

6. 讓我們總結一下這課,好嗎? Let’s summarize this chapter,shall we?

7. 先做閱讀練習如何? How about having some reading practice first?

8. 聽首歌好嗎? What about listening to a song?

9. 我們今天講新課如何? What if we take up a new unit?

10. 我們現在改變一下話題如何? What if we change the topic,now?

11. 我建議圣誕節(jié)我們班演部劇。

I suggest that we put on a play on Christmas Day.

12. 認真研讀一下閱讀技巧是一個好主意。

It might be a good idea to study the reading skill carefully.

13. 我正等待你有創(chuàng)意的想法。 I’m waiting for your creative idea.

14. 讓我們來進行下一活動, 好嗎? Let’s go on to the next activity. OK?


1.你介意幫我打開那扇窗戶嗎? Do you mind opening the window for me?

2.你能從辦公室把它取來嗎? Could you please fetch it from the staff room?

3.你能再試一次嗎? Could you please try it again?

4.你愿意把它寫在黑板上嗎? Would you like to write it on the blackboard?

5.你能打開燈嗎? Will you please switch the lights on?

6.你想回答我的問題嗎? Do you want to answer my question?

7.誰愿意讀課文? Who would like to read the text?

8.你介意重復你的話嗎? Do you mind repeating what you said?

9. 你能用這個詞組造句嗎? Can you make up a sentence with this phrase?

10.你愿意改錯嗎? Would you like to correct the mistakes?

11.你認為你能在家把它寫出來嗎?Do you think you could write it out at home?

12. 我想知道你能否在十分鐘內完成這篇作文。

I wonder if you can finish your composition within tenminutes.


1.就座。 Take your seat.

2.站著別動。 Stand still.

3.坐端正。 Sit up.

4.回到座位上去。 Go back to your seat.

5.坐成一排。 Sit in a row.

6.舉手。 Hands up.

7.面向全班。 Look at the class.

8.跟我做。 Follow me.

9.先看我。 Watch me first.

10.跟我說。 Say after me.

11. 別忘了謝謝他。 Don’t forget to thank him.

12. 向你的搭檔請求幫助。 Ask your partner for help.

13.我要提問了。 I’ll ask you some questions.

14.請回答問題。 Please answer the questions.

15.你能來回答一下嗎? Can you answer it?

16.請找搭檔。 Please get in pairs.


1.你最好把單詞和短語背下來。 You’d better learn all the words and phrases byheart.

2. 你應該把試卷再看一遍。 You should look through your test paper again.

3.你應該復習課文。 You should review the text.

4.你應該有個學習的目標。 You should set up a target to learn.


I recommend that you analyze the causes of success andfailure.

6.我建議我們班開個會。I recommend that our class should have a meeting.

7.我的建議是盡可能做好。My advice would be to do it as well as possible.

8.不要浪費你們的寶貴時間。Never idle away your precious time.

9.我想說的是“欲速則不達”。I should say the more haste,the less speed.

10.如果我是你,我不會放棄。If I were you,1 wouldn’t give up.

11. 誰想主動來試試? Who wants to volunteer?

12. 記住要團隊合作。 Remember that it’s teamwork.

13. 誰愿意到黑板上寫一下? Who would like to come and write it on theblackboard?

14. 你最好在下面畫橫線。You’d better underline it.


1. 不要在課堂上發(fā)短信。Don’t send text message during the class.


Listen to me carefully and watch my actions,and then guess themeaning of the word.

3.腳下留神。 Watch your step.

4.注意,不要再犯同樣的錯誤。 Be careful.Don’t make the same mistake again.

5.注意你的舉止。 Mind your behavior.

6.當心。 Watch out.

7.舉步小心。 Watch your step.

8. 眼睛往前看。 Eyes to the front,please.

9.注意力集中。 Try to concentrate now.

10. 小心別傷了手。 Be sure you don’t hurt your hand.

11.注意你的發(fā)音。 Pay attention to your pronunciation.

12. 從現在開始要準時。 Try to be on time.


1. 你為什么不嘗試一下? Why don’t you give it a try?

2. 爭辯是沒用的。There is no use arguing.

3.你不會讓我失望吧。You won’t let me down,will you?

4.你這樣行不通。 It will get you nowhere.

5.我能說服你改變主意嗎? Can I persuade you to change your mind?

6.難道我說服不了你嗎? Can’t I persuade you?


It would be better if you cross this paragraph.


It would be better if you remember these irregular verbs.

9.我明白你的意思,但是你跑題了。I know what you mean.but you miss the point.


That’s all right in theory,but in practice it may not work.

11. 有誰愿意毛遂自薦嗎? Is there anybody who would like toself-recommend?

12. 你能補充些什么嗎? Would you like to add anything to that?


1. 你怎么敢這么做? How dare you do this?


Your answer is correct,but you are not fluent.

3.你做的不錯,但是丟了三個詞。 You did well.but you missed out three words.

4.你本應該更細心些。 You should have been more attentive.


There are many mistakes appearing in your papers,do it again.

6.你沒有必要大驚小怪。 You needn’t have made such a bihttp://http://www.oriental01.com/news/55C12449D91E224D.htmlg fuss.

7.你至少要提前預習課文。 You might at least have previewed the text inadvance.

8.你不應該把事情做一半就放棄。 You shouldn’t have left the work half done.

9.不要找借口。 No excuses.

10. 別裝作不知道。 Don’t pretend you don’t know.

11. 我怎么跟你說的? What did I tell you?

12. 這是最后一次機會。 This is the last chance.


1. 請停止吧。 Stop doing it, please.

2. 我告訴過你,不要往外看。 I told you not to look outside.

3. 這是警告。 This is a warning.

4.大聲朗讀。 Read it aloud.

5.隨手關門。 Shut the door after you.

6.不要吵鬧。 Don’t make any noise.

7.別抄別人的。 Don’t copy others.

8.一定要細心。 Do be careful.

9.現在保持安靜。 Do be quiet now.

10.停止說話。 Just stop talking.

11.用自己的話復述這個故事。 Just retell the story in your own words.

12.課上不準交談。 You are not to talk in class.

13.明天必須交作業(yè)。 You must hand in your homework tomorrow.


1. 停下你現在所做的事情。 Stop what you are doing right now.

2.別再那樣做了。 Don’t behave like that again.

3.快停止。 Stop doing that.

4. 請不要這么做。 Please don’t do that.

5.別得意忘形。 Don’t get carried away.

6.別;ㄕ袃骸 Don’t play any tricks.

7.別昏了頭。 Don’t lose your head.


From now on there will be no interruption.

9.如果再有一次警告,你就出去。 One more warning and you’re out.

10.這是我最后一次警告你。 This is the last time I am warning you.

11. 給你亮一次黃牌。 A yellow card for you.

12. 你應該受到懲罰了。 You’ll be punished.


1.你非常優(yōu)秀。 You are outstanding.

2.你們準備得很充分,謝謝。 You are well prepared,thank you.

3.你做的比過去好多了。 You did much better than before.

4. 你很勇敢。 You are very brave.

5.你的英語說得很地道。 You speak idiomatic English.

6.差不多了。 That’s more like it.

7.別擔心,沒問題。 Don’t worry about it.No problem.

8. 他是一個很樂觀的人。 He is a cheerful student.

9.你有很強的組織能力。 You have strong leadership.

10.還有改進的余地。 There is room for improvement.

11. 你們做得非常好。 Everyone did a good job today.


1. 這是另一種有趣的做法。

That’s another interesting way of doing it.

2. 據我認為,教學是一門藝術而非科學。

To my knowledge,teaching is a kind of art rather thanscience·


I think there are two important points behind a good lesson:varietyand flexibility.

4. 非常別具一格! This is very unique!

5. 教師扮演的最重要角色是組織者。

The most important role the teacher has to play is anorganizer.

6. 你的做法很有個性。 Your work has such personality.


There are always two sides to everything.

8. 這是一個不以人的意志為轉移的客觀規(guī)律。

This is an objective law independent of man’s will.

9. 比上不足,比下有余。

It is worse off than some, but better off than many.

10. 言之有理。 It stands to reason.

11. 此話寓意無窮。

There is a world of meaning in this remark.

12.這表示你們做了很多思考。This shows you’ve been thinking a lot.









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